Do You Do New Year's Resolutions?

A New Year... A New YOU

There's something refreshing about starting a new year. It's a way to psychologically get you pumped up or motivated to be better, do good deeds, be a more kind human.

Fyve Beauty's mission is truly taking shape this year. We knew when we started the company, we wanted to spread the joy of simplicity. As the owner and founder of Fyve, I personally had a hard time living up to what the company was preaching, until I finally came up with my own personal New Year's Resolution in 2020: to not purchase any clothes, shoes, or accessories for myself.

Oh my, I said it. Out loud.  Yes, that's right. I'm personally taking a step closer to a minimalistic lifestyle. Less addiction to the next new thing and less waste. More enjoyment to the things I do have, and more meaning to life itself. And this is when Fyve's mission truly rang clear, which is to take that joy of simplicity to the next level. To build a company that does not continue to add waste or harm our environment. To someday be a zero-waste company. To be able to leave this planet better than we found it. 

Lookout 2020, here we come!


Sweet Citrus Body Mist Samples | IBE LA 2020

Getting ready for the first Trade Show of the year

We'll be at The Indie Beauty Expo in Los Angeles, CA on January 29 to 30th. If you're in the area and plan to attend, come say hi at booth E201. Get a free sample while you're at it!


We want to hear from you!

Tell us, do you do New Year's Resolutions? Let us know!
Are you living your BEST life? Get our FREE EBook "A 10 Step Guide To Living Your Best Life". 

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